I woke up this morning to let the dogs out and found this. My fly through feeder was knocked over. We were gone over the New Year's weekend, and I knew that there were high winds in our area. Between that and what appears to be a rotted post, it looks like the wind probably knocked it over. It looks like my husband will need to put a new post on it. Getting it back in the ground may be a challenge though with the ground frozen solid. I hope he can get it back up. I love to watch the birds in it.
Yes, Illinois was very windy!
In my hometown a grain bin even blew over and traveled 1 1/2 miles!
Aw, what a shame! Maybe a really wide plywood base would allow it to stand until the thaws come. Perhaps with rocks or sandbags on the base? Best of luck!
O-oh...that looks as if it may be difficult to repair. Good luck! We have had some strong winds here as well.
Uh oh ... Looks like you will have to make a new bird house!
I have lost a few bird houses this Winter do to the wind!
Thankfully, my husband was able to replace the main post and the birds are enjoying their feeder once again. :)
Was the post set in concrete?
No, it wasn't. Just set deep in the ground. I now have a new treated post holding it up. The last one lasted a long time. I am hoping this one will too.
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