We have had a couple spring like days here in Illinois with temps around 60. On a fluke, I looked outside and found this...
My daffodils have started coming up...in January no less! I don't know if I remember them ever coming up this early.
I started peeking around a bit and found my hyacinths with buds. These surely wont last long when the next cold snap hits. :( The tulips have also just started to peek through the ground. I bet my crocuses are up as well, but they are well buried under a layer a leaves, and I didn't want to disturb too much knowing that warm weather will not be lasting for long.

Wow, I'm nervous my new trees might get confused, I lost two pear trees a couple of spring's ago when we had a warm up then cold again!
I have the same concern for our fruit trees, Stacey. Last year was the first year we got peaches from our 2 trees, and they were wonderful! I would hate to miss out this year.
Wow, amazing. I am from SW Minnesota. We have had a warm winter, but bulbs aren't coming up. The day lilies are starting, and I too wonder about the apple trees I planted this past spring.
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