Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday's blooms

This week's pictoral update of what's blooming.
Until I saw this picture, I had never noticed that these tulips had an orangish (sp?) edge to them.  Interesting...

More tulips.
Yes, I love red.  :)

I was taking this picture just for the sake that an old tulip bulb was blooming in the midst of my Annabelle Hydrangea.  When I downloaded the picture, I noticed I also had a visitor.  See the spider on the right?  You can even see his eyes looking at me.

Wolf River apple tree.  Lots of blooms this year!  I tried to get a picture of the two bumblebees that were visiting the blossoms without success.  They didn't stay on one flower long enough.  It was interesting to notice though that they were systematic in their moving from one bloom to another.  No willy nilly movement.  I thought that was also interesting.

Apple blossoms

The lilac hedge that lines the back of our property.  I love when they are in bloom! 

Baby pie cherries

The hostas aren't blooming, but I love them anyway.  Their foliage is like a bloom.  The variegated varieties are much slower coming up than the plain green ones. 
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Casa Mariposa said...

I love the combo of the red tulips and variegated hosta. Beautiful! I bet that lilac hedge smells wonderful! :o)

Peggy said...

Thanks! The lilacs do smell wonderful. I just wished that they would last longer. This early heat that we are having probably won't keep the blooms there long.

ann said...

I don't know which is better: the tulips or the gorgeous apple blossoms. Either way, the photos are gorgeous. Happy Easter