Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bloomin' Saturday

What a beautiful morning!  Calm winds and just the right coolness for a walk around the yard.  I am just amazed at the changes that have occurred in a week.
Our peach trees bloomed last week and the blooms are already gone, the hyacinths, crocus, and daffodils are finished for the year as well.
But in their place this week...


This is my absolute favorite tree.  I have heard in the past that redbud trees are not a long lasting tree.  My parents bought this house in 1977 and this tree was mature then.  It continues a show this spring.

This redbud was a start from the old one that we planted a few years back.  Rabbits just about killed it the first couple winters when it was but a twig.  They liked to feast on it. 
Redbud blossoms

Not a very good picture, but this is our dwarf cherry tree.

Cherry blossoms

PJM Rhododendron

I didn't get my ivy out of my window box in time last fall and just left it.  I think it may have been a good thing.  It seems to be alive still with plenty of extra for cuttings.  It probably would not have made it had it not been such a mild winter.

Wild violets.  I don't have the heart to pull these where they pop up.

Viburnum.  My husband and I pruned this bush very hard this spring.  It was quite an unsightly thing.  I wanted to yank it out, but we decided to try the pruning first.  It does have pretty blooms.  They don't smell as sweet as some viburnums though.

Another of my favorite spring trees...crabapple.

Crabapple blossoms.  It won't be long until this tree is a favorite of bees. 

Wolf River apple blossom

Soon the backyard will be fragranced by these lilacs.

Grape hyacinth

Baby Maple leaves

No kidding, these were just poking out of the ground last weekend.  Now look at them!

Shot of front flower bed.
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1 comment:

T2Nashville said...

Such a beautiful home. I know you guys work hard to make it that way, and it pays off!