Overall, it was a productive day outdoors. I uncovered most of the flower beds from their cover of leaves. I would never have guessed the amount of leaves that were on those beds. Lots!! Trimmed up dead material from the bushes and flowers. I do wish that it would have been about 65* and overcast rather than 80's and sunny. It just doesn't seems right for March. Many record high temperatures. The forsythias, peach trees, and magnolias are all blooming, and the lilacs, roses, perennial grasses and many trees are leaving out. It literally feels like you could watch the world awaken from it's winter slumber in a matter of a few days. A little quick for my liking. It just seems SO EARLY.
I had talked my husband into keeping me company while I worked on my south bed which turned into yet another project all together.
He accomplished a task that he has talked about wanting to do for a few years.
The lower branches of our Blue Spruce were just lying on the ground and difficult to mow around. The needles are very stiff and prickly. Not very attractive. It was also getting wide enough that it was encroaching on my south bed.
Enter a man with a saw... What is it about men with saws? They seem to get a secret enjoyment from chopping things down and into pieces. I typically get worried when the saw comes out. :)
Note the great extra help we had today... :)

One by one, the branches came down and the area was opened up.

Branches all gone and time to rake up many years of needles. They were several inches thick.

Our very helpful assistant...our youngest, Lauren. Child labor is alive and well!

Cleaned up. This south bed is the one that I am wanting to redo this spring. It has been a bit neglected the last few years. We talked about bringing the bed out and around the tree area.

Lauren put an old bench under the tree for decoration.