Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Pinterest has become a site that I have really enjoyed.  I am good at pinning ideas but not necessarily following through on any of the ideas right now.....someday, I think...  I decided to try out a couple of the ideas for Thanksgiving this year.
This one in particular seemed applicable to my gardening blog.  After all they ARE vegetables.  :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of blessings!


YeagerFarm said...

Oh-that is TOOO cute!! Hope I can remember what it looks like when I need to do something like it for next year!!

Annie*s Granny said...

Adorable! Almost too cute to eat :-)

T2Nashville said...

I saw this on Pinterest as well! Great job! I've done several recipes from there, but mostly, I consider it my "wish list" site. LOL!

Hornbill said...

It looks like you have too much time in your hands

Ha Ha !

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