Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bad blogger....

Need. To. Blog.
Yes, that is what I need to do.  I feel that I have been running circles since we came back from vacation.  Where does the time go?  I have great plans for putting all of the flower pictures from our Yellowstone trip on here, but put them together in one folder in Picasa and had well over 200.  How could I have taken so many pictures of flowers?  No wonder my kids were rolling their eyes when I crouched for yet one more photo of a flower that I swear I hadn't seen elsewhere in the park!  I guess I need to take the time and just start putting them on.  One day for yellow flowers, one day for white, etc??  They are too pretty not to share.  Other ideas that I have thought of is to make a big photo poster of the flowers to hang in my potting shed.  I am very excited about this idea as well as making a photo book or scrapbook of just the flowers.  Did I forget to mention that I just seem to not have enough time??  :)


HolleyGarden said...

I know exactly what you mean. I thought my computer was crashing the other day. My husband asked me what was on it that I couldn't replace. I could think of nothing irreplaceable - all that's on it is just some photos. But, no photos of people that I would miss. Just flower photos! :)

T2Nashville said...

You're not the only one. I follow several blogs, and it seems like everyone is having trouble finding the time to update. Don't feel bad! It's not just you. We look forward to hearing from you whenever you post.