Saturday, June 18, 2011

Raspberry update

Nine more ounces of black raspberries picked today.  It sure felt like more.  That is a total of 1 lb. 5 oz.  Not bad for a plant that was started from a bird deposit! 

After checking how the black raspberries are doing, I went to check on the red raspberries.  I was unhappy to find this visitor.
  Japanese beetles....they love my raspberry leaves.  This one was the only one that I saw, but I found evidence of their damage.  I have said for a couple years that I need to get some milky spore to help control them, and haven't done so.  Looks like hand based control again this year.
I never realized until just now that those nasty grubs that you find when digging in the dirt become the Japanese beetles.  One more reason to dislike grubs.


Linda said...

That does look a nasty bug. We don't have them in Scotland - yet, but bug travel seems fairly inevitable these days. My rasps are also suffering but I think they dislike the soil they're in rather than any insect attack.

Peggy said...

I would have to agree about the bug travel. From what I have read, these came to us through shipments of Japanese irises in the early 1900's. I hope that you are able to find a remedy for your raspberries so that you are able to enjoy them. I am curious as to the climate in Scotland as compared to here in the Midwest United States...

Melanie said...

I happened upon your site from cornergardenersue's blog. I enjoyed reading about your gardens! The raspberry title caught my attention as I just planted 2 raspberry and 2 blackberry bushes a few weeks ago that I found on clearance. I am determined to make them live! There is a pest for everything though isn't there! Have a great week!

Peggy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking a look, Melanie! I sure hope that you have good luck with your raspberries and blackberries. You have to love a great sale on plants! You rescued them from a potential demise in a garbage bin. :)

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I'll have to check on my raspberries across the street to see if they have any insect damage. I hope yours recover OK.

Peggy said...

Hi Sue!
So far the raspberries are doing pretty well. I haven't noticed any more beetles. They have nearly exfoliated my canes in previous years, but so far so good. They seem pretty hardy. I really need to order some milky spore so that it can get established.