Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

So maybe I am one day late in the new year wishes, but the thought is there...
The new year brings with it a tradition of resolutions in which we all make promises to ourselves and/or others to better ourselves in some way. If I had to have a gardening resolution, it would be to keep my garden weed free. The past couple of years have not been the best for gardens in my area. When the garden isn't thriving, it is difficult to give it the attention that it needs. Hence, I had the weediest veggie garden I have ever had this past summer. My flower beds got more attention than my veggies. Next year will be better...
For now, the seed catalogs are trickling in with the promise of a new season of plants, and I am keeping annuals alive in my potting shed and even have a sunny orange bloom on one of my Gerbera daisies.


Casey said...

I look forward to my seed catalogs this time of year....time for planning and dreaming about a much more successful veggie garden this year.

Just found your blog....look forward to reading more.

Victoria, Bellingham, WA

Peggy said...

Thanks! I am not as good about blogging in the winter...perhaps I could make that another of my resolutions! :)