Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday's walk about

Coral bells
Glowing Embers Hydrangea
Robin egg shell...I hadn't realized that they were still nesting.
This is what happens to a newly planted oriental lily when a rabbit gets hungry....needless to say, I don't think he will be back.
This hosta is so pretty this year. I like the leaves on the flower stems.
Side yard hosta bed
Another hosta bed
Black eyed susan
Baby bug...grasshopper??
My ailing pepper plants...something ate a few of them. The others are coming along.
Tomato blossom....I wonder if there is a certain time frame from blossom to fruit?
Italian green beans...a little spotty germination. My overgrown sage plant made it in the pic also.
Black eyed peas....for the southern girl @ heart :)
Oriental lily
Knock out rose
Stella d'Oro daylilies
Potatoes that have been beat up by our stormy weather here recently

Our lone Wolf River apple
Annabelle Hydrangea in full bloom
Purple coneflower just starting to bloom....funny how they start out cream colored
Oriental Lily
Purple coneflower plants
Purple coneflowers....because of these plants, I am learning how to throw away living things...they border on being invasive!
Latest window box picture
Oakleaf hydrangea starting to bloom
Looking like there will be a lot of daylilies this year
Bumblebee on the Delphinium flowers


Kate and Crew said...

Gorgeous! You have so much growing! Love the window boxes...

Peggy said...

Thanks, Kate! This has been more of a year for flowers than for my veggies. Just didn't have the time this spring. There is always next year!

H.Salman said... are really inspiring
Ag. Eng. H. Salman