Tomato transplants - I started them in small dixie cups and transplanted them into larger cups and planted them up to their cotyledons. Hoping for some strong root systems.
More tomatoes
Tomatoes and peppers
Tonight I worked on potting up more seedlings. I was using old seed this year, so I planted 2-3 seeds per cup. My Jalapenos and Yellow Star hot peppers did not germinate at all. I will be throwing these seeds away. The rest of the seeds germinated with most cups having multiple plants. I have issues with throwing away anything that is green, so I potted up all the little seedlings. I figure that my friends and neighbors all need tomatoes and peppers, right? One of these years, they will probably hide when they see me coming with my wagon of plants to give away. Kind of like neighbors don't answer their doors anymore when you start having that overabundance of zucchini! I have found a solution to that problem however....I have resorted to putting veggies in plastic grocery or Wal Mart bags and leaving them on their doors. Sneaky... My herbs and flowers need potted up next. My basil is looking very good and hoping to make some pesto this year.
You're seedlings are amazing! I'd love to have those if we were neighbors. Anyway, I also grow seedlings inside my garden shed and transplant them onto the raised beds. By the way, you have a beautiful garden shed.
Thanks, Mary! I love to see the seedlings progress from seeds to producing plants...what a sense of satisfaction!
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