Just looking around at the yard recently, I made a few observations.
- The crab apple didn't really bloom this spring and neither did the forsythia.
- The lilacs bloomed and are drying up already. I didn't even get a chance to enjoy them.
- The asparagus is almost finished.
- My apricot irises are blooming.
- The birds are nesting in a frenzy. I have found robin and dove eggs.
- My knockout roses did not do well over the winter and had to be cut almost all of the way to the ground. They seem to be recovering well though.
- We had a couple of blossoms on our Wolf River apple but not the honeycrisp. The wolf river is one year older.
- No blooms on the peaches, but a couple on the cherry tree.
- The columbine that I planted last year from seed is double in size and looks great. My hydrangeas seem to be doing better this year. I almost killed them a couple of years ago by putting too much lime on them.
- I have two resident bunnies in my garden. They have been feasting on my Green Goliath broccoli prompting the placement of chicken wire around the raised bed. Of note, they don't seem to care as much for the Romanesco Italia variety.
- The strawberries seem to have survived. They were almost decimated by something last year. Don't know what, but I thought for sure we would have to replant the whole bed. There are plenty of blooms coming on so far.
- Everything seems to getting taken over by a weed that I have never seem so much of before. It like to spread out, I know that much! It is in the lawn and the flower beds and garden.
What kind of asparagus did you grow? That's on my list of things to plant one day... I love it, but I've never tried to kill it...er...I mean, grow it in my garden.
Hi Kate!
That is a good question. I cannot find my receipt for it. I usually keep them. I am pretty sure that it is one of the Washington varieties.
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