Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tomato and Pepper seedling update

Not too bad of a germination from some seeds that were 4+ years old.

Tomato seedlings
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Johnny Jump Up

A single Johnny Jump Up found its way into my flower bed.  Its parent plant was likely in my flower box.
I love these flowers!
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nesting Ball

For Christmas I received a nesting ball from my in laws that was filled with alpaca fur.  Is that correct?  Fur?  Wool?  Not sure...

My sister in law made me a nesting ball for a gift.  From the look of the yarns, it seems to have generated some interest from the birds.  I am watching for a local nest sporting some vividly colored yarns now.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Flower bed extension

Since Bill trimmed up the spruce tree, the next step was to create another flower bed, right?  :)

The work in progress

Partially bordered with rock.  We need to make a trip to the gravel pit to pick through their rocks.

My beautiful assistant, Lauren.
Our next door neighbor passed away last spring, and her husband is wanting to get rid of her perennial bed. Their daughter offered me whatever I want after their granddaughter comes by tonight.  We did get one plant that they knew that she would not want.
The finished product.  For now.
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Starting Seeds

Better late than never...
The starting of tomatoes and peppers.
14 varieties of tomatoes
6 varieties of peppers
I also direct seeded 16 ft. of pea pods
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Partial albino Robin

This Robin was in our backyard the other night.  He looks like a partial albino.
From what I have read online, most albino Robins are only partial albinos.

His markings are pretty symmetrical.
A picture of his backside to show some uneven coloring on his back as well.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday's blooms

This week's pictoral update of what's blooming.
Until I saw this picture, I had never noticed that these tulips had an orangish (sp?) edge to them.  Interesting...

More tulips.
Yes, I love red.  :)

I was taking this picture just for the sake that an old tulip bulb was blooming in the midst of my Annabelle Hydrangea.  When I downloaded the picture, I noticed I also had a visitor.  See the spider on the right?  You can even see his eyes looking at me.

Wolf River apple tree.  Lots of blooms this year!  I tried to get a picture of the two bumblebees that were visiting the blossoms without success.  They didn't stay on one flower long enough.  It was interesting to notice though that they were systematic in their moving from one bloom to another.  No willy nilly movement.  I thought that was also interesting.

Apple blossoms

The lilac hedge that lines the back of our property.  I love when they are in bloom! 

Baby pie cherries

The hostas aren't blooming, but I love them anyway.  Their foliage is like a bloom.  The variegated varieties are much slower coming up than the plain green ones. 
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