Sunday, August 1, 2010

Late season plantings

Planted more seeds today hoping to get more veggies in before the end of the season. We planted one 4'x8' and one 4'x4' bed of flat podded green beans, one hill of patty pan scallop squash, 2 hills of zucchini, and one hill of yellow crookneck squash. I would also like to get some broccoli planted before too long also.


Yesterday we put up 4 quart bags of black eyed peas (harvest from one 4'x8' raised bed)and today are canning 5 quarts of green beans (also from one 4'x8' bed). We are going to replant two 4x8' bed of green beans in hope of a second crop.
The tomatoes are not turning red very well again this year. Lots of green tomatoes though.
The cucumbers on the other hand are doing terrific....I have probably picked 20 so far this year....and pickling will be starting likely this week.
I am going to go through my left over seeds and see what I can plant for fall....