Saturday, January 16, 2010

Snow recycling

I feel so proud of myself. I have found a "new" way to use snow. I don't have water to my potting shed yet and needed water for my plants. I filled my water buckets with snow and put them in the shed to melt for plant water. Really...I was just being lazy. I couldn't carry the full buckets from the spigot (sp?) to the shed with my broken rib, so I used the snow. It was a good idea though! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 6-7, 2010 snow

I let Katie loose with my camera to take some snow pictures....these are the result. Above is our little snow pile. I remember much bigger ones as a kid that we would tunnel into and use ice for windows.
Love the sun on the left...

Covered up Christmas decor...probably frozen in place for now.

The snow is slowly sliding off the metal roof of Bill's "man cave". I wouldn't want to be there for the avalanche.

Snow cover on my fly through bird feeder.
Looking out to my garden. I love seeing the snow up to the bottom rails of the fencing.
Definitely not a pretty picture, but the LP tank shows the amount of snow.
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Hungry critters

Red-bellied Woodpecker

This squirrel was a hoot to watch. He kept trying to climb the pole to get up to the seed. He would almost get there and slide right back down.

One defeated squirrel...better luck next time~Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 1, 2010

Birds from WI trip

I took these pictures through the window at my brother in law and siter in law's house in WI. I was really surprised at how well they turned out for being through a window.
Black capped chickadee - one of my favorites! So hard to catch on camera though. They don't sit still long enough.
Male cardinal


Dark eyed Junco

female Cardinal

Male and female cardinalsPosted by Picasa