Friday, July 3, 2009

Today's harvest

The first good picking of fresh raspberries
Broccoli (sat in the garden a little long) and the first of the zucchini.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One month later

My Annabelle Hydrangea has tons of huge blooms this year.
View of my garden from the east. In front are cucumbers and then tomatoes behind them.
Cucumber blossom
Sweeter Yet cucumber
This was supposed to be a Marcellino cherry tomato. Something wasn't right!
The red raspberries are starting now
Italian zucchini
dill blossom
This seed came from Johnny's and was supposed to have been an Italian Zucchini. They mailed new seed later saying the previous seed was a round type zucchini. I thought we would still try it. We might like it. They are supposed to be good stuffed.
The end of the black raspberries. It got hot last week and a lot of them dried up. I was able to salvage these today. They will be good in tomorrow's breakfast yogurt!